I have two things I would like to share.  The first, is a quick read which has impacted me greatly.  The second is a podcast episode which I enjoyed. 

The Businessman and the Fisherman

At times, I feel horribly ungrateful.  In many ways, I’m living a dream.  I hit the lottery: great family, friends, and meaningful work.  On the other hand, I desire more….more money, better relationships, higher status, etc.

Have you ever felt this internal conflict?

I know I’m not alone.  Recently, I found this 1-minute read by Paulo Coelho: The Fisherman and The Businessman. 

After you read this, please reflect upon a few questions:

  1. Are you the businessman or the fisherman? 
  2. What are the positives and negatives for both?
  3. Is there a way to blend the two?

The Coaches Clinic:

We had our first guest, Ohio State Assistant Baseball Coach Matt Angle, on the Coaches Clinic Podcast (Listen Here).  If you haven’t listened yet, the show has a locker room feel (including some adult language).  Coach/Leadership development is something I believe strongly in.  One of the best ways to learn are the informal discussions over dinner or a drink.  That’s what we are attempting to create; good conversations and questions where a nugget or two gets delivered. 

In our conversation, Coach Angle provided great perspective.  Here are four concepts I particularly enjoyed:

Having the courage to compete against the best.  “I was vulnerable enough that I was willing to lose. I’d rather get embarrassed and learn than win on the B Court.” 

Finding a way to add value and having awareness. “In my first collegiate game I had a bunt hit.  I was facing 97mph for the first time- I never seen it before.  I watched the other guys struggling so I decided to do something different.” 

The aura of Derek Jeter: “He was a genuine, good person who cared.  In spring training I got to pinch run and he says, ‘Hi Matt.’  He respected the grind of someone like myself who had to work to get to the Big Leagues.”

The Importance of youth/high school coaches: “Please don’t discredit where you are at.  You are the ones baking the cake…college coaches are just putting the icing on.” 

A Favor:

I hope you find these two resources impactful.  I have an ask for you: Can you send me your best development recommendation….an article, book, podcast, conversation? 

Make it a great week,
