Busy ≠ Successful
Life lessons through sports.
3.27.23 | by Coach Mike Deegan

In Tim Ferriss’ book, Tribe of Mentors, one of his studies is Debbie Millman, founder and host of Design Matters. In the book, Tim asks Debbie, “If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say and why?”
Millman’s response:
“My billboard would say this: ‘Busy is a decision.’ Here’s why: Of the many, many excuses people use to rationalize why they can’t do something the excuse, ‘I am too busy’ is not only the most inauthentic, it is also the laziest. If we say we are too busy, it is shorthand for, “not important enough.” Simply put: You don’t find the time to do something; you make the time to do something.”
3 things to think about when you say, “I am too busy.”
1. Am I really?
Where are you spending your time? What does your calendar look like?
When I wake, do I get moving immediately, or do I scroll social media and waste precious time? Am I being intentional with my time, or am I aimlessly going through the motions?
After an honest evaluation, I almost always realize I am not getting the most out of my day. If you are feeling overwhelmed, I highly encourage you to audit your time and priorities.
2. Where can I say “no?”
One of my biggest flaws is that I have trouble saying a hard no.
There are times when I just can’t do certain things. Instead of respectfully declining, I’ll often either say yes, or worse yet, put off saying no until a later date. We are all guilty of this.
What does delaying saying “no” do? It invites another conversation at a later date. In other words, it wastes precious time.
People want our time, and they’ll gladly take it if you let them. Beware of the time vampires!
3. Get Clarity
Once we clearly know our mission, we’re more effective. Not only are we clear with where we are going, but we develop the ability to effectively use our time.
Where do you start? Say no to the things that distract you from achieving your goals. Staying on the hamster wheel of “busyness” prevents us from planning and getting focused.
Clarity quiets the chaos and frees up more of your time.

Busy ≠ Successful
For whatever reason, many people like to brag about their busy schedules. It’s as if we think being busy makes us successful.
Who are the most successful people out there? The ones who have the most time. They are organized, they say no when they need to, and they are clear on their goals & objectives.
Avoid the societal pressure to be “busy.” Don’t fall for the trap.
Remember, “Busy is a decision.”
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